intransitive verb (vintrans)

Number of vocabulary: 352
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji shizumu to sink, to feel depressed
kanji nageku to sigh, to lament, to grieve
kanji furu to precipitate, to fall (e.g. rain)
kanji kieru to go out, to vanish, to disappear
kanji susumu to make progress
kanji norikoeru (1)to climb over, to get over, to ride across, (2)to surmount, to overcome, (3)to surpass, to overtake
kanji mazaru to be mixed, to be blended with, to associate with, to mingle with, to join
kanji kawaru (1)to succeed, to relieve, to replace, (2)to take the place of, to substitute for, to take over for, to represent, (3)to be exchanged, to change (places with), to switch
kanji kawaru (1)to succeed, to relieve, to replace, (2)to take the place of, to substitute for, to take over for, to represent, (3)to be exchanged, to change (places with), to switch
kanji kakeru (1)to be chipped/to be damaged/to be broken/ (2)to be lacking/to be missing/ (3)to be insufficient/to be short/to be deficient/to be negligent toward/ (4)(of the moon) to wane/to go into eclipse/(P)
kanji uku (1)to float, (2)to become merry, to be cheerful, (3)to become loose, to become unsteady, (4)(col) to feel out of it, to be cut off (e.g. from those around you), to feel out of place, (5)to be fri
kanji usureru to fade, to become dim
kanji kaeru (1)to return, to come back, to go back, (2)to turn over, (suf,v5r) (3)(after the -masu stem of a verb) (to become) extremely, (to become) completely
kanji nakunaru to die
kanji umaru to be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filled
kanji kireru (1)to cut well/to be sharp/ (2)to break (off)/to snap/to wear out/ (3)to be injured/ (4)to burst/to collapse/ (5)to be disconnected/to be out of/to expire/to sever (connections) with/ (6)to be shrewd
kanji sawagu to make a noise
kanji tokeru to melt, to thaw, to fuse, to dissolve
kanji tadoritsuku to struggle on to, to arrive somewhere after a struggle, to grope along to, to barely manage to reach, to finally arrive at, to finally hit on (e.g. an idea)
kanji wataru (1)to cross over, to go across, (2)to extend, to cover, to range, to span
kanji ochiru to fall, to drop, to come to down
kanji michiru (1)to be full, (2)to wax (e.g. moon), (3)to rise (e.g. tide), (4)to mature, to expire
kanji kudaru (1)to descend, to go down, to come down, (2)to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.), (3)to pass (of time), (4)to surrender, to capitulate, (5)(often in neg. form) to be less than, to be i
kanji iru to be (animate)
kanji hieru to get cold